With more than 10 years of experience working in A/V Installations, production, and creative direction Catalina Ansaldi [USA / ARG] brings both technical expertise and human approach to teams and projects across various sectors. 


Circuitos Expuestos

A wiring harness exposes its complete circuit. Each of the nodes that make up this network represent a voice that shares a 10 second story around the concept of home. The installation challenges visitors, proposing an active listening experience and participation. They will also be able to record their message and thus become part of a symbolic conversation between dozens of participants: each one with a different story; everyone gathered under an essential and universal theme.

[ Extimidades ] is the collective exhibition that shows the result of the Emergêncies.2 call, the artistic feminist training program promoted by FemArt. This exhibition focuses on the crisis of housing in the city of Barcelona aggravated by the health emergency caused by Covid19.

Likewise, the exhibition wants to reflect on the multiplicity of ways of understanding and approaching the fact of living from the diversity of contexts and artistic disciplines of the resident artists. The discourse wonders about limits and transgressions between the intimate and the exterior, between what is one's own and what is foreign, through the transgressions caused by intimate experiences of community and struggle crossed by housing policies.


New Media Art



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